Wednesday, January 6, 2010

no network connection with java apps on debian lenny

If you are experiencing problem like no network connection on debian (the current testing distribution - squeeze for me) from java applications. Ex:
" Network is unreachable"
but, connection is working for others kinds of apps probably you can solve it: editing file
and set net.ipv6.bindv6only 0
and after /etc/init.d/invoke-rc.d procps restart (to reboot procfs).

Seems that the jdk is not managing correctly ipv6 connections...
The bug is reported for sun-jdk and open-jdk packages.


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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

revolution in the authentication

A little revolution in the users authentication is going on. The rapid spread of a tecnology like OpenID could infect a weighty part of the web. Probably it has already infected a big part of it. Company and communities like: google, facebook, yahoo, sourceforge and others have already added OpenID authentication. Some of them serve also the provider side of authentication for OpenID.
Some resources:
So lets try it!

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Friday, January 1, 2010


Parlamento Europeo Pulito!